Pre Promotion Trades


SherlockMany OTC stocks are promoted to investors these days. Promoters pay newsletter writers to pump up the share price so insiders can unload stock into the market on unsuspecting investors and sip their margaritas on the beach. We have the relationships and information to profit from large investor awareness campaigns BEFORE they even begin!

My name is Sherlock, and if you sign up for our infrequent but trade-worthy alerts in the box (at left), we feel confident we can supply profitable trades on a regular basis to our subscribers. We have been in and around the investment business for quite awhile and over the past 2 years have gotten to know some of the biggest stock promoters on the planet. If we identify a campaign that is about to begin by a competent promoter, we will alert you on what price we’re paying up to on the stock, and where we think it can be sold for the lowest risk trade possible.

Typically in scenarios like this, we can take our principal risk off the table in the first phase or second phase of a campaign, then let the rest ride for free. If a promoter is saying the goal on the stock price is $1.50 - $2 per share, rest assured we’ll be long gone by the time it’s 90 cents! This can be a very profitable way to play the market if you have the right sources and don’t get greedy. Join us today and we’ll send you our next idea at no cost to you. Because some of these stocks are fairly thinly traded, we are limiting the number of subscribers to our newsletter to 100 people! So, secure yourself a position today and we’ll have our first idea only if/when we have a high degree of confidence we can all make money.

Happy Trading



Legal Disclaimer: I am offering ideas for your consideration and education. I am not offering financial advice. I am not a financial or investment advisor and am acting in the sole capacity of a fellow investor and trader sharing his thoughts for educational and informational purposes only. Because the majority of stocks that are promoted are small companies that trade on the OTC Bulletin Board and Pink Sheets, they are inherently risky. There also can be issues with liquidity that should be taken into consideration before investing into any OTC traded stock. We strongly advise that you consult a certified investment advisor and we encourage you to do your own research before making any investment decision. We may have a short or long position in any securities, including those mentioned in any of the reports or essays, and may make additional purchases and/or sales of those securities without notice.